widget + breakdown
Tiny widget is in the corner,
showing your total runtime.
Click and get the details.
No account needed.
100% local
Everything works locally, with your own requests, and no data is sent to our servers.
You don’t need an account to use it, unless you also want to monitor your production environment.
Profiler options
Hide or change the widget position:
# config/rorvswild.yml development: widget: top-right # accepted values: # top-left # top-right # bottom-right # bottom-left (default) # hidden
Rails is reloading all the code in development environment. This takes a lot of time. Turn on cache_classes to prevent this behaviour and better match the production:
# config/environments/development.rb: Rails.application.configure do config.cache_classes = true end
The profiled sections are ordered by impact, which depends on average runtime and calls count.
The bottleneck is always on the top of the list.
Open source
RoRvsWild gem is hosted on GitHub.
Feel free to checkout the source and contribute.
Access the profiler at http://localhost:3000/rorvswild may you choose to hide the widget or if you are using Rack::Deflater middleware, which prevents to inject the profiler button into the page.
Localhost vs Production
Performances on your development machine will vary from the production server. Different hardwares, different database sizes, different people...
Add RoRvsWild to your production, and find out.